Monday, July 10, 2006
3 Stockings Done

I finished making up 3 of my Shepherds Bush stockings today. I was really pleased with how they turned out.

Not a lot happening at the moment. We really enjoyed Pirates Of The Carribean 2. The only disappointing thing was that it had a cliffhanger ending. I knew they had made Pirates 3 due for release next year, but I didn't realise it would be the 2nd part to Pirates 2. For some reason I thought they would be 3 seperate movies. Oh well, not to worry. I guess it gives us something to look forward to:)
posted by Karen's Blog @ 9:01 pm  
  • At 9:28 pm, Blogger Sylvie said…

    They are all lovely, congratulations!

  • At 11:51 pm, Blogger Jenn said…

    Your stockings all turned out great.

    We went and saw Pirates over the weekend too. We made a nice day of it on Saturday. I didn't know either that it would leave us with that type of cliffhanger.

    I've been meaning to let you know. Sorry Paul wasn't able to make it out to your shop while he was in Australia. He said to me 'it's almost 2 hours away.' My answer was "So." :) Men! I guess they dont' understand that we WILL travel as far as necessary for stash.

  • At 2:04 am, Blogger Unknown said…

    WOW! They are absolutely gorgeous. You must have an electric needle.

  • At 5:27 am, Blogger Sharon said…

    gorgeous stockings! I think my favorite is Brendon's.

  • At 5:46 am, Blogger Kim said…

    Your stockings turned out great! The colors are so wonderful. Very nice. :D

    I had heard about the cliffhanger ending, but not the ending itself. That was a surprise and makes me look forward to the next one for sure. :D

  • At 6:40 am, Blogger Michelle said…

    Your stockings look fantastic. I have stitched Tina's stocking for me, and need to stitch Harry's for my DH. Did you make your own cording for these?

  • At 6:43 am, Blogger Carina said…


    The stockings look wonderful--congratulations on such beautiful finishes!

    We will be arriving in Sydeny on the 29th July, so I'll email you from my in-laws' house and let you know what day we plan to come to the shop. (It will probably be the second week on our way to or back from Dubbo.)

    So looking forward to seeing you...and stocking up on some Aussie designers! :)


  • At 6:52 am, Blogger Carol said…

    The stockings look amazing! Not to worry, I didn't tell Mike about his :-)

  • At 6:53 am, Blogger Carol said…

    My goodness - sounds like Pirates did to us what The Matrix did... left us in a cliffhanger with part 2 and we had to wait, what... about a year?... for the third one to come out... and it was a letdown (we thought) - I hope Pirates does better.

  • At 7:23 am, Blogger Katrina said…

    Hi Karen, the stockings look fabulous! I have one finished, Elisabeth, to make up for my niece and just can't find the inspiration at the moment to, at least there's still a few months to go before this Christmas.

    I hope to see Pirates this week sometime and are really looking forward to it :)

  • At 8:48 am, Blogger Shelleen said…

    the stockings are lovely.

  • At 8:59 am, Blogger Nia said…

    The stockings look fabulous Kaz... finishing is not my strongpoint.

    I loved Pirates - saw it last Thursday - did you see the extra scene after the credits...?? I didn't and am hanging out for someone to tell me what it was!


  • At 10:02 am, Blogger Cindy said…

    Awesome job on the stockings!!

  • At 9:44 pm, Blogger Wendy said…

    Your stockings are fantastic! Congratulations on getting all stitched and finished!

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